"Poison Wrecked Machines"
Plot: In the post-apocolyptic Australian wasteland, a cynical drifter agrees to help a small, gasoline rich, community escape a band of bandits. (Imdb.com)
Issues: Dependancy on Oil.
Homefront: This film was partially inspired by the violence against vehicular culture during Australia's fuel shortage in the 70's. World oil production having peaked, it's not unreasonable that a similar crisis could hit again, but on a grander scale, if resources become too scarce before a viable alternative is found. Many alternatives to oil are ether in existance or development. None have been given the same attention as crude oil; leaving them not as applicable for now.
The website freeenergy.ca has some good articles on this including:
All of which sound like really good ideas. Today.
Notable Cultural Influences: The South Park episode, "Proper Condom Use", where a final showdown between girls and boys is played out between a small fort and vehicle gangs. Butters leads the merauders wearing the Humungus's iconic hockey mask and speaking in his husky-voice over a booming loudspeaker.
Fallout, one of the best damn PC-RPGs of all time, period. Ask anyone.
Artist Comment: " And this, my friends, is what happens when you watch too many Mad Max flicks when you are growing..."
Merchants of Misery by ~Bungle311 on deviantART
Artist: " I was in the mood to do a piece remeniscient of the Road Warrior wihtout it actually being the RW. The video game screen idea just kinda happend toward the end."
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